16-A, Ground Floor (Rear Side) Ebrahim Building, West Wharf Road,Karachi-Pakistan
P I C : M.Najeeb +(92-21)3002163279Tel: +(92-21) 32204501,32200723Fax:+(92-21) 32200721Email: najeeb@bluemarine.com.pk info@bluemarine.com.pk
BLUE MARINE SERVICES was incorporated on 2005, with the objective toestablish itself as a reliable Marine Services Provider to all Ship owners & ShipManagers. We continuously strive to provide our services for shore, offshoreprocurement to vessels calling at all Pakistan ports.Blue Marine Services hasdeveloped into one of the leaders in the marine supply industry in thisRegion.Blue Marine Services have high qualified and experienced team andready to serve and offer you a guaranty of chandelling with fast deliveryresponse time. All your requisition will be answered according to any of yourorder request.Blue Marine Services is continue & nominated suppliers ofmany ship owners and ship managers with good relation ship. Blue MarineServices has more depth in providing our valued customers with products andservices. Blue Marine Services has the ability and capability to offer ourcustomers competitive pricing without compromising on quality of products andservices.Blue Marine Services Located in the vicinity of the Karachi Port , Blue MarineServices can respond effectively to any urgent requirements of vessels in allports of Pakistan with its comprehensive range of inventory items. Services areavailable on 24 hrs a day & 07 days a week basis, with accompanied by ourexperienced team members.